MacKeeper is cleaning and antivirus software for Mac, which is designed to protect your Mac/MacBook/iMac from the latest viruses and malware as well as to mhanyisa Mac yako , eliminating unnecessary files and programs, and has many other utilities. This program is the first to be designed specifically for the Mac OS X system, anticipating a few years more famous brands in the fight against the increasingly dangerous viruses on Mac.
Tevedza gwara iri kuti utange Mac yako mune yakachengeteka kugadzirisa matambudziko ako eMac kana iri kutonhora uye kukwidziridza macOS yako kuita kuti Mac yako ikurumidze uye yakachena. Kunze kweiyi basa rekutanga uye rakakosha, rinotengeswa nezviuru zvezvimwe zvinoshandiswa, saka iri sutu yakakwana yekuchenesa, kugadzirisa, uye kubata Mac.
MacKeeper Yakachengeteka Kuisa?
MacKeeper haingori antivirus chete, asi yakazara sutu yezvishandiso zvakachengeteka kuisa. Iyo yekumisikidza iri nyore kwazvo uye inofamba mushe, uye mhedzisiro ndeye 15MB application inokurumidza zvakare kutanga. Kuruboshwe-kuruboshwe rwechishandiso, tinogona kuwana mabasa ese echirongwa, uye pakati, basa rekusarudza. Kurudyi-kurudyi, tinogona kuwana tsananguro pfupi yebasa riri kushandiswa parizvino uye fomu rekukumbira rubatsiro kubva kune vanogadzira kuburikidza neemail, chat, kana runhare. Vagadziri vanokurumidza uye vanobatsira mukugadzirisa matambudziko. Zvakare, iyo application inoisa kumashure maitiro ayo anobatsira kune vese.
MacKeeper Features
Izvo zvakanyanya kukosha zveMacKeeper zvinosanganisira:
1. Anti-kuba
This is a convenient function that allows you to trace your stolen Mac on a map. It can also take photos of the thief via iSight or FaceTime video camera. The geographic data of the stolen Mac can be monitored through your Zeobit account.
2. Data encryption
This is an interesting function that allows you to hide and encrypt files on Mac (with passwords and AES 265 or 128 encryptions). This is also very stable and safe.
3. Data recovery
Iri basa rinokutendera kuti udzorere mafaera ako akadzimwa pasina backup, kunyangwe zvichidikanwa kuve nekiyi yekuadzosera. Kuvhiya uku kunononoka asi kwakakosha kudzoreredza mafaera akadzimwa paMac kunyangwe mazuva gare gare. Data inogona zvakare kudzoserwa kubva kunze midziyo nayo.
4. Data Destruction
Pamusoro pekubvumidza kudzimwa kwemafaira ayo bhini rinoshuma se "ari kushandiswa," basa iri rinogona kudzima mafaira nemaforodha zvisingaite nekushandisa akasiyana algorithms.
5. Backup
Iyo ine yakapfava yakapfava yekushandisa yemafaira ega ega uye maforodha pane imwe nzvimbo yekuenda.
6. Quick cleaning
It includes 4 functions that will delete log files, cache, universal binaries, and useless language files from applications. This could also solve several problems of our Mac and speed up the start of lightened applications.
7. Duplicate detection
Ichi chinhu chinobatsira kwazvo chinokutendera kuti utsvage uye ubvise mafaera akadhindwa paMac yako.
8. File Finder
With this, you can find movies, songs, and more using specified search criteria.
9. Disk usage
This is a very useful function that provides colored labels and identifies files and folders in order of decreasing size so that we can eliminate them if we don’t need them.
10. Smart uninstaller
This is a convenient function for uninstalling applications, plugins, widgets, and preference panels with their related files. It can bvisa zvachose mapurogiramu paMac in one click. It also allows the detection and scanning of applications thrown into the trash.
11. Gadzirisa detector
This helps you find all the updates available for almost all the applications installed on your Mac. This is quite comfortable, but at the moment, most of the updates must be installed manually after downloading.
12. Login elements
This allows us to see and delete processes that start automatically when we log in, but we can do the same through the System Preferences panel as well.
13. Default applications
Here we could assign to each file extension, a default application to open it.
14. Nyanzvi pakukumbira
Pamwe ibasa risinganzwisisike pane ese, nekuti rinotitendera kubvunza chero mubvunzo pamusoro peiyo tekinoroji kumashure uye kugamuchira mhinduro inokodzera mukati memazuva maviri.
Best MacKeeper Alternative
MacDeed Mac Cleaner is probably one of the best alternatives to MacKeeper for all the extensive functions it offers for the cleaning, maintenance, and monitoring of the health of our computer. And all this guarantees our privacy. Its major features include:
- Kuchenesa: Mac Cleaner presumes to incorporate an intelligent cleaning function with which you can delete files in two clicks, focusing especially on system files, old and heavy files, your photo collection, iTunes, the mail application, and the bin.
- Maintenance: Mac Cleaner makes sure that every uninstallation is executed without leaving traces or forgotten files in folders that you will never visit again.
- Privacy: It also guarantees the privacy of all your online and offline activities, eliminating any footprint that you may leave through Skype conversations, browsing histories, messages, and downloads. It also removes confidential files in a secure manner.
- Kutariswa kwehutano: Nekutarisa kwakapfava, unogona kutarisa mashandisiro ako ekurangarira, kuzvitonga kwebhatiri, hard disk tembiricha kana SSD kutenderera, uye kana paine dambudziko, Mac Cleaner inotsanangura nzira yekuigadzirisa.
How to Uninstall MacKeeper
Uninstalling MacKeeper is not a simple task, as it usually involves costs to do it. It can save you time to uninstall MacKeeper and other adware with Mac Cleaner completely in seconds.
- Dhawunirodha uye isa Mac Cleaner . And then launch it.
- Dzvanya iyo "Uninstaller" tab kuti uone yako yekuisa runyorwa paMac yako.
- Select the MacKeeper app and click “Uninstall” to remove it from your Mac.
In conclusion, the MacKeeper is a very useful, easy-to-use, and good-looking application for Mac. Also, it’s quite customizable and has very good customer support, amongst other features as highlighted above.